Ministry Update from David Batcheller February 2025

Ministry Update from David Batcheller
February 2025

Ministry Update from David Batcheller February 2025

Greetings again from Ecuador. I truly hope this letter finds you and your family doing well.

In this new year, I am excited about new possibilities that are developing. Last year was difficult for me, but lately it seems like the fog has lifted and there is a fresh new breeze of God’s favor and guidance.

A New Direction

As I enter this next chapter of my life, my goal is to return the focus of my ministry to starting or planting new churches. This

Cover photo from my new book.

may seem a bit crazy or risky, but in the end, I have decided that I would rather grow old and die pursuing the dreams that God placed on my heart!

The Arco Church here in Machala is moving forward in the process of realignment in preparation for growth and greater impact in the community. During this transitional time, I will be serving in some significant new roles while I gradually shift into my new focus.

Another part of the transition is that I have been in contact with a mission agency called Communitas International. Through a series of conversations and events, we have been seeking a confirmation of God’s will concerning a mutual partnership in ministry. My interaction with them has been crucial to rekindling my sense of calling and purpose! At the end of February, I will be attending a conference in Colorado which is designed for both practical training and a final confirmation of this partnership. I will also be able to visit my daughter in New Mexico and my son in Texas on this two-week trip.

A Pressing Need

Most of you probably realize that I have been officially “retired” for some time and that I have chosen to serve the Lord as a missionary here in Ecuador. I have been living on my modest Social Security pension, with some supplemental monthly financial support for the ministry. The majority of this supplemental support is no longer available, however, so my new direction requires that I first replenish, and then expand it, so that I will be able to effectively help plant a new church.

To do this, I need to build a stronger ministry support team for prayer, encouragement, and financial support. I envision this team as a way for others to become actively involved in helping me carry out my mission to win people to Christ, make disciples, and form strong, healthy, and multiplying churches.

Examples and Exhortations from the Bible

One of the first things I had to do recently was to adjust my own thinking. You see, I had become rather negative and resistant to asking for financial support because of my own experiences and the dismal testimonies in the church as a whole. Yet as I reconsidered the Scriptures and the testimonies of others, my eyes began to open again. What really helped me was to read the Bible in different translations, including Spanish. For example, in Luke 10:5-8 Jesus instructed His disciples to realize that kingdom workers should be supported, relying on the love and generosity of others to carry out their ministry.

Another example was when Paul wrote to the Philippians church. He commended them for their faithful “participation in the gospel”, which was expressed through fervent prayer and financial support (see Phil. 1:3-5). He later went on to say (4:15-19) that even though He appreciated their gifts, what he valued more was the blessing that they would receive for their generosity!

In 3 John 1:5-8, we again read about the blessing of showing hospitality and supporting those who were traveling ministers of the gospel. There John commends Gaius for his love in supporting them as his partnership in spreading the gospel.

Become Part of My Support Team

As Christians, all of us are called to help fulfill the Great Commission, sharing the gospel and making disciples wherever we are. I realize that not all of us are called to do this in another country, but for some of us, this is a passion and a calling! Making a decision to become part of my support team would allow you to to experience the following things:

  • Invest directly in the advancement of God’s kingdom
  • Become an active participant with my ministry here in Ecuador
  • Extend your own influence to a different culture and part of the world
  • Deepen your own spiritual life as you learn and grow with me in this journey
  • Volunteer to help me in some practical ways

I appreciate our friendship, and I see this also as a way to strengthen those bonds. I am committed to deepening my relationships with all who are part of my support team. I am already making plans to send out regular personal notes, ministry updates, articles, and prayer requests. In addition, I have already started to work on my church planting strategy and how to form a solid church planting team. Being part of my support team will allow you to be right on the front lines with me!

To me, this is so much more than just asking for money. It is more about partnering together to expand the kingdom of God! The only true hope for the world is that the gospel of Christ will transform people’s lives, restore families, and impacts a new generation for the glory of God!

Please let me know if you would like to join my support team and begin this journey together. I will make it a real priority to make you feel like part of the team! This may change soon, but for now, you can click here to make a monthly pledge of financial support through Christian Ministers Network. Any amount that you can give will be deeply appreciated!

Many blessings to you in Christ,

David Batcheller


The Path of Discipleship
by David Batcheller

After more than fifty years of experience in the Christian life and ministry, author and missionary David Batcheller provides believers with a clear outline for the path of discipleship. This easy-to-read guide highlights the various stages of spiritual growth and maturity, explaining with simplicity and clarity the lessons we must learn along the way. The Path of Discipleship will help guide all who are seeking to know Jesus Christ intimately to fulfill their destiny and life’s calling.

Available on in paperback and kindle editions.

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